Mental Health-o-pedia

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23rd February 2024

How War/Genocide Affects Mental Health


Written by: Musarrat Ibtida Hoque (@heratlashands)

Indirect Effects:


Indirect effects stem from the broader societal implications of conflicts, impacting individuals indirectly, even beyond the immediate conflict zones. The global instability caused by ongoing conflicts fosters a pervasive atmosphere of anxiety and stress, affecting individuals worldwide who are indirectly exposed to the repercussions of war and genocide. the continuous exposure to distressing news, graphic imagery, and narratives surrounding war and genocide through various media platforms contributes significantly to heightened stress levels,which leads to feelings of helplessness, emotional exhaustion, and a sense of overwhelming despair, even for those far removed from the conflict geographically.


  • Global Anxiety and Stress: The overall global instability due to ongoing conflicts impacts people worldwide, fostering a sense of anxiety and stress about safety and security.


  • Media Exposure: Continuous exposure to distressing news and images of war and genocide through media platforms heightens stress levels and can lead to feelings of helplessness and despair.


  • Community and Societal Impact: The ripple effects of war and genocide create societal tensions, breakdown of community support, and erode trust, contributing to a collective decline in mental well-being.


War and genocide not only inflict direct trauma on affected populations, such as in Gaza but also cast a shadow of instability and distress globally. The ongoing exposure to conflict-related news and the broader societal impact amplifies mental health challenges, highlighting the urgent need for support and interventions to address these profound and far-reaching effects on individuals and communities worldwide.


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